Donald Hewett Sterrett was born May 3, 1923 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia to Henry Willard Sterrett and Gladys Hewett Sterrett.
He graduated from Duke University in 1944 and spent 2 years in the Navy in the south pacific during World War II.
Known as Don, he married Jane Carolyn Garver on June 15, 1946. They had two children, Donna Jane Sterrett and Bruce Davis
Sterrett. He died at home, surrounded by his family on Apr. 19, 2004.
Here is a color portrait of Don around age 4.
Here is a Sterrett family picture from the mid 1940s. Top row (L->R): Ethel Sterrett, Eleanor Thompson, Sam Sterrett, Helen
Sterrett, Henry Willard Sterrett, Gladys Sterrett, and Helen Dawson. Bottom Row (L->R): David Sterrett, Jane Garver Sterrett,
Donald Sterrett, Claire Sterrett, and Hank Sterrett.
Don is the one on the right. His brother, Henry Williard Sterrett, Junior, or Bill for short is on the left.
This is a photo of Don and Jane Sterrett, with their daughter, Donna Jane Sterrett as they leave Pennsylvannia on their way to
Charlotte, North Carolina after a visit.
Here is a Sterrett family photo taken in the mid 1960s. Don is pictured with his wife Jane, and two children, Donna Jane and
Bruce Davis Sterrett.
Here is a Sterrett family photo taken in the late 1960s. Don is pictured with his wife Jane, and two children, Donna Jane and
Bruce Davis Sterrett. Also shown is Don's son-in-law, Joesph George Zeibel.
Just as big a part of the family as the children was Sam Sterrett, the loyal bassett hound.
Don Sterrett in Winter Haven, Florida around 1981. This one is with his grandson Jason George Zeibel as well as
his mother, Gladys Hewett Sterrett.
Here is a recent photo of Don and his wife Jane Carolyn Garver Sterrett taken in the late 1990s.
Here is a photo of Don and his wife Jane Carolyn Garver Sterrett taken in 1998.
Here is Jane Garver Sterrett at her husband's graveside service on Apr. 23, 2004.
Don Sterrett was cremated. Here are his ashes in their box before burial.
The Sterrett family at the funeral.
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