Jane Carolyn Garver was born October 2, 1923 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia to Davis Leonard Garver and Mary Alice Gertrude
Schwalm Garver. She graduated from Duke University in 1944 and married Donald Hewett Sterrett on June 15, 1946.
Here Jane is as a baby in her mother's arms.
Here Jane is pictured at her father's family reunion in 1930. Her father is on the top right. Jane is third from the left in the front row.
Here are four successive generations. Sarah Laudenslager is the oldest. In this picture she is second from the left.
Her daughter, Ida Kratzer Schwalm is left of her, followed on the right by Sarah's granddaughter, Gertrude Schwalm Garver, and finally
by Sarah's great-granddaughter, Jane Garver Sterrett.
Here is Ida Kratzer with her granddaughter and mother. Jane Carolyn Garver is the young girl in the center.
Ida Kratzer Schwalm is on the left, and Ida's mother, Sarah Laudenslager Kratzer is to the right.
Here is a Sterrett family picture from the mid 1940s. Top row (L->R): Ethel Sterrett, Eleanor Thompson, Sam Sterrett, Helen
Sterrett, Henry Willard Sterrett, Gladys Sterrett, and Helen Dawson. Bottom Row (L->R): David Sterrett, Jane Garver Sterrett,
Donald Sterrett, Claire Sterrett, and Hank Sterrett.
This is a photo of Don and Jane Sterrett, with their daughter, Donna Jane Sterrett as they leave Pennsylvannia on their way to
Charlotte, North Carolina after a visit.
Here Jane is with her Daughter, Donna Jane Sterrett at the beach.
This photo was taken in 1951 on "fade proof" color film. The original was incredibly yellow, so I had to be creative in
restoring it. Shown are Jane and her daughter Donna Jane. The second scan is what it was like to start with.
Here is a Sterrett family photo taken in the mid 1960s. Jane is pictured with her husband Don, and two children, Donna Jane and
Bruce Davis Sterrett.
Just as big a part of the family as the children was Sam Sterrett, the loyal bassett hound.
Here is a Sterrett family photo taken in the late 1960s. Jane is pictured with her husband Don, and two children, Donna Jane and
Bruce Davis Sterrett. Also shown is Jane's son-in-law, Joesph George Zeibel.
Here is a recent photo of Jane and her husband, Don Sterrett taken in the late 1990s.
Here is a photo of Jane and her husband Don taken in 1998.
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