Jason George Zeibel was born on December 12, 1975 in Charlotte, North Carolina to Joseph George Zeibel and Donna Jane Sterrett
Zeibel. He graduated from Duke University in 1997.
Here Jason is about a month old. The color has gotten contaminated a bit in this photo, leading to splotches of red.
Here Jason rides around in a stroller.
It wasn't long before Jason moved from a stroller up to something a little bigger. Here he is driving the 3/4 ton army truck
that Jason's dad brought back from Ethiopia from his days there in the army.
This is a family photo of Jason and his parents, Donna and Joseph.
Here Jason is with his father, Joe. The second scan is of Jason's first house on Farm Pond Lane in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Here Jason is at his grandfather's place in Salisbury, Maryland.
Here Jason demonstrates his early aptitude for radio communications.
Jason moved down to St. Thomas in 1976 with his parents. Here Jason is with his mom in the
Carribean Sea surf.
Here is a family photo taken in St. Thomas with Donna, Joseph, and Jason Zeibel.
Jason in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands at Christmastime, 1978.
Here are three generations of Zeibels.
Shown is Jason, with his father, Joseph George Zeibel, and his grandfather, Heyder George Zeibel.
Jason is shown here in 1981 with his great-grandmother, Gladys Hewett Sterrett in Winter Haven, Florida.
Another picture of Jason in Winter Haven, Florida. This one shows Jason with his grandfather, Donald Hewett Sterrett, and his
great-grandmother, Gladys Hewett Sterrett in 1981.
Here Jason is with his grandfather, Heyder George Zeibel
crabbing in the Chesapeake Bay.
Jason's college graduation from Duke University in 1997. Shown again with his grandfather, Heyder George Zeibel.
Here again are three generations of Zeibels. Shown is Joe, with his father, Heyder George Zeibel, and his son Jason George
Zeibel. This one was taken in 1997.
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