Jason's virtual collection of National Scout Jamboree Patches and

1953 Irvine Ranch, California.
1953 Pocket Patch. These came in two varities. The stitching on the back can be either blue or black. This one has
blue back stitching.
1953 Pocket Patch. The stitching on the back is black
back stitching
on this one.
1953 Pocket Patch with California. (rare) These were for the staff and jamboree service corps.
A prototype of the 1953 Jamboree pocket patch. I wish I knew more about this item, but it supposedly predates the jamboree.
A reproduction of the 1953 pocket patch made to be included in souviner sets sold at the 1973 jamboree. Has a
plastic backing.
A jacket patch was introduced in 1953. It too came in a few varieties. Here are the ones with black backstitching. This also came
in two subspecies... with either dark green or regular green grass color.
1953 jacket patch with blue backstitching.
1953 Jacket Patch with California. This came in either cut or rolled edge. (both very rare) These were
for the staff and jamboree service corps.
A reproduction of the 1953 jacket patch made by Ang's company in Taiwan in the 1970s.
A reproduction of the 1953 jacket patch made by the BSA in the 1970s.
More reproductions of the 1953 jacket patch done in the 1970s and 1980s.
1953 jamboree jacket made by the Kansas City Area Council.
1953 Jamboree Neckercheif.
This was one of a set of neckerchiefs supposedly sold at the 1960 jamboree to commemorate the previous jamborees.
It has a baby blue background.
1953 Jamboree silk scarf.
1953 Jamboree decal.
1953 bolo tie reproduction. All these similar bolo tie designs were
done in the late 1970s or early 1980s to be sold at Jamborees.
1953 Jamboree belt buckle. This is supposedly one of the ones
made by Max Silber.
1953 Brass pin.
I'm going to the Jamboree pin 1953.
1953 Jamboree coin.
1953 Jamboree pennant and luggage tag.
1953 Jamboree achievement award.
1953 Jamboree troop flag. Again, these are quite valuable due to the few that exist.
1953 Jamboree water hazard patrol patch. A very odd item. This item is apparently exceedingly rare.
The two that I have seen have each been sold for several hundred dollars in worn condition.
There were cliffs along part of the bay where the Jamboree was held.
The main job of the water hazard patrol staff members was to patrol the area and keep scouts away from the cliffs.
It was a small staff contingent. (Thanks, Ed.)
1953 Jamboree trading post tickets.
This is the map that the participants were given at the 1953 jamboree. Note that it has the overall layout on one side and a
blow up of the headquarters area on the other.
1953 Jamboree watch.
1953 Jamboree necktie holder.
1953 Jamboree souvineer bell.
1953 Jamboree match holder.
1953 Jamboree ash tray.
1953 Jamboree book.
1953 Jamboree information book.
1953 Jamboree troop leader's book.
1953 Jamboree pendant.
1953 Jamboree plaque.
1953 Jamboree box.
A ticket to the variety show at the 1953 jamboree.
1953 Jamboree diary.
1953 Jamboree miniature desk flag.
1953 Jamboree stationary.
1953 Jamboree on-site phonebook.
An orange wrapper from the 1953 Jamboree.
A ribbon for exhibiting a horse in the 1953 Jamboree.
1953 Jamboree pillow. I am not 100% sure of the authenticity of this item.
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