Jason's virtual collection of National Scout Jamboree Patches and

1960 Colorado Springs, Colorado. (BSA 50th anniversary)
1960 Pocket Patch. The national
jamboree patch was one of a set of at least 8 patches that
were made for the 50th anniversary of the BSA. I listed the ones
that I am aware of here.
Reproduction of a 1960 Pocket Patch
made by the BSA to be sold as a set at the 1973 jamboree. Has a
plastic backing.
1960 Jubilee Camporee patch.
This patch was one of the set of at least 8 patches that
were made for the 50th anniversary of the BSA.
1960 Jubilee Field day patch.
This patch was one of the set of at least 8 patches that
were made for the 50th anniversary of the BSA.
1960 Cub Scout jubliee patch.
This patch was one of the set of at least 8 patches that
were made for the 50th anniversary of the BSA.
1960 Philmont Scout Reservation patch. There are two types of this patch. This one I know is original.
Several scans of it are shown.
This patch was one of the set of at least 8 patches that
were made for the 50th anniversary of the BSA.
Here is the second version of the 1960 Philmont Scout Reservation Patch. Both front and back are shown.
Note that the color is a little more orange. There isn't white backstitching. The fleur-du-lis backing is a little
different and its a little smaller
in diameter than the other version. See the size difference between the
two types when we
put one on top of another. (Thanks Ira for the scans!)
I tend to believe that this second variety is a modern reproduction, but am still searching for hard evidence of this.
1960 Schiff Scout Reservation patch.
Schiff Scout reservation was in Medham, NJ, but is long since gone.
The back is shown in the last of these scans.
1960 Rich Square, NC Jubilee Camporee
patch. This patch was one of the set of at least 8 patches that
were made for the 50th anniversary of the BSA.
1960 Jubilee Scout-O-Rama patch.
This patch was one of the set of at least 8 patches that
were made for the 50th anniversary of the BSA. This one is
a little more unusual as it has the same motif, but is Red on
White instead of the usual Black on Yellow. These are quite rare.
Several troops and councils borrowed the motif from the 1960 Jamboree patch for their own patches.
Here are some examples that are contemporary with the Jamboree.
The 1960 jamboree theme was apparently quite popular. Here are some example of the design reused years later for
various other 50 and 75 year anniversary observances. (Thanks, Garry.)
The design was so popular, that it was used for years after the jamboree. Here is a patch from a
local camporee in 1964 using the same design elements as the 1960 patches.
1960 Jamboree Jacket Patch.
1960 Jamboree Jacket Patch, tougher
variety. This one can be distingushed from the more common one by the
following: Eagle design, design of the white behind the eagle, flat
rolled edge as opposed to rolled edge, twill right as opposed to left,
shape of stars differ, shape of FDL differs.
1960 Jamboree Jacket patch reproduction made in the 1970s by Ang.
1960 Achievement award. This was earned for doing a number of tasks related to the 50th anniversary of the BSA. It was
worn under the jamboree patch (or over the right pocket). There was a jamboree achievement award for items done at jamboree.
It was a 4x6 postcard sized certificate.
1960 Jamboree Adventure award. This award was earned at the jamboree for completing a series of tasks.
I have only seen two of these patches, so I am assuming that they are quite scarce.
It has been suggested that this was something that region 5 did since their logo is on the patch.
1960 Jamboree Neckercheif.
This was one of a set of neckerchiefs supposedly sold at the 1960 jamboree to commemorate the previous jamborees.
It had a different design than the regular issue 1960 neckerchief. Not sure why they didn't include the regular 1960 neckerchief with the set...
A different 1960 Jamboree Neckercheif. This one is embroidered.
Not sure if it was individually made, but it looked interesting.
1960 Jamboree Neckercheif Slide.
1960 Jamboree Leather Patch.
1960 Jamboree Hat and Hat Patch.
These diamond shaped hat patches were sold in the 60,64, and 69 jamborees.
1960 Jamboree troop flag. These are quite rare due to
the small number made per Jamboree.
1960 Jamboree Bolo tie reproduction.
There were several similar motif bolo ties done in the late 1970s to
be sold at Jamborees then.
Reproduction of a 1960 jamboree belt buckle made in the mid 1970s.
1960 Jamboree Pennant.
1960 Jamboree money clip.
1960 Jamboree necktie. These were made in 1957 and 1960 only. I can see why. They aren't very attractive.
1960 Jamboree souvineer book.
1960 Jamboree leader's guide book.
1960 Jamboree Coin.
1960 Jamboree Decal.
1960 Jamboree T-shirt.
Reproduction 1960 Jamboree Pin. There were a reproduction set of pins made for sale at the 1985 jamboree. They
have a copywright 1986 on the back of them.
1960 Jamboree pin.
Another type of 1960 Jamboree pin.
Another 1960 Jamboree pin.
Another 1960 Jamboree pin. This one has a "western boot.
Another 1960 Jamboree pin. This one doesn't have the design elements common to the rest of the 1960 items, therefore its
likely it was made locally for a contingent troop.
1960 Jamboree souvineer wooden box.
1960 Jamboree pin with bear pendant.
1960 Jamboree Pendant made in wood.
1960 Jamboree Scarf Holder.
1960 Jamboree Health Service patch and a couple 1960 jamboree pins.
1960 Jamboree OA service corps armband.
1960 Jamboree map.
1960 Jamboree poster.
1960 Jamboree pillowcase.

1960 Jamboree medallion. (Thanks Dave.)
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