Jason's virtual collection of National Scout Jamboree Patches and

1977 Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania.
1977 Pocket Patch. These came in two types. This one is identified by a light red color thread and
the fact that it is slightly larger than the other variety.
1977 Pocket Patch. These came in two types. This one is identified by a darker red color thread and
the fact that it is slightly smaller than the other variety.
In fact, someone pointed out that there may in fact be at least 3 different types of 1973 patch. Check out the three of
these patches. Look at letter positioning in relation to the edges. Both the fronts and backs are shown to help
distinguish. I doubt that any one variety is more valuable
than another. They are probably due to several manufactures or production runs.
1977 Jamboree Neckerchief.
1977 Metal Jamboree Neckerchief Slide.
1977 Plastic Jamboree Neckerchief Slide.
1977 Jamboree Leather Patch.
1977 Jamboree Rocker or Wide Game segment. These were strips that could be earned that fit under
the jamboree pocket patch.
1977 Jamboree Jacket Patch.
1977 Jamboree Hat Patch.
1977 Jamboree Bolo ties. There were several varieties.
Metal pin 1977.
Another 1977 Jamboree pin.
Another 1977 Jamboree pin.
1977 Jamboree coin.
1977 Jamboree Decal.
1977 Jamboree pennant.
1977 Jamboree belt buckles. Not sure all of them are contemporary with the 1977
jamboree, but most are likely from there.
A Belt buckle made after the 1977 jamboree with the logo from the 1977 Jamboree.
A can of sardines from the 1977 Jamboree. Wonder what the shelf life is on these things?
In case you are wondering, no, this item is NOT part of my personal collection.
1977 Jamboree awards.
These could be purchased at the trading post and given to people as a thank you gift.
1977 Jamboree money clip.
1977 Jamboree necklace.
1977 Jamboree hand towel.
1977 Jamboree t-shirt.
1977 Jamboree trivette.
1977 Jamboree trading post tickets.
A K2BSA QSL card. Given to anyone who
established communication with K2BSA during the jamboree.
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