Jason's virtual collection of National Scout Jamboree Patches and

1981 Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.
1981 Pocket Patch.
1981 Jamboree Jacket Patch.
1981 Jamboree Oversized Jacket Patch. This one is twice as big as the other jacket patch.
1981 Jamboree Rocker or Wide Game segment. These were strips that could be earned that fit under
the jamboree pocket patch.
1981 Prototype Pocket Patch.
These were made well before the Jamboree as presentation pieces.
They can be identified due to the lack of full embroidery.
1981 Prototype patch set. This set features the pocket patch, jacket patch, and wide game segment.
These were made well before the Jamboree as presentation pieces.
They can be identified due to the lack of full embroidery. The pocket patch is fairly rare by itself,
but the whole set is very rare.
1981 Jamboree Leather Patch. Actually more like a coaster.
1981 Jamboree Neckerchief.
1981 Pewter Jamboree Neckerchief Slide.
1981 Painted metal Jamboree Neckerchief Slide.
1981 Jamboree Bolo tie.
1981 Jamboree jsp sample. Not sure if this was done by the patch companies
or by the BSA, but the idea was to encourage local councils to do jamboree
themed council patches.
1981 Jamboree belt buckle.
1981 Jamboree belt buckle. Made as a set from all the previous jamborees. Not original BSA material.
1981 Jamboree pennant.
1981 Jamboree metal pins.
1981 Jamboree coin.
1981 Jamboree Decal.
1981 Jamboree t-shirt.
1981 Jamboree Sticker Sheet.
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