Jason's virtual collection of National Scout Jamboree Patches and

1997 Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.
1997 Round Felt Pocket Patch.
1997 Square Pocket Patch.
1997 Jamboree Neckerchief.
1997 Metal Jamboree Neckerchief Slide.
1997 Jamboree Leather Patch.
1997 Jamboree Felt Jacket Patch. There were two varieties issued. The felt ones are common.
Ones without the felt (twill) were issued on duffel bags. This is the felt one.
1997 Jamboree Twill Jacket Patch. Most of them that you could buy came with a felt backing, but the ones that
came pre-sewn on duffle bags and back packs were twill backing.
1997 Jamboree rockers. There
were five issued that could be earned for completing various
things throughout the jamboree. These formed a ring around the
round pocket patch.
1997 Jamboree tiny patch. Meant to be worn on a hat.
1997 Jamboree gateway to history patch.
1997 Jamboree OA rendezvous patch.
1997 Jamboree Bolo tie.
1997 Jamboree metal pin.
1997 Jamboree metal belt buckle.
1997 Jamboree metal pin with eagle medalion.
1997 Jamboree coin.
1997 Jamboree Sticker Sheet.
1997 Jamboree trading post tickets.
1997 Jamboree security badge. There were two types of these issued. Silver ones to exhibits and displays
security staff and gold colored ones to exhibits security organizers.
A silver one is shown here.
1997 Jamboree ID badge.
1997 Jamboree K2BSA staff patch. I don't get into all the staff issues, since that would take up way too much space, but
since I was part of K2BSA, I decided to include just their staff patch, especially since it builds upon the theme of the 1937
patch redux.
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