Jason's virtual collection of National Scout Jamboree Patches and

2001 Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.
2001 Jamboree pocket patch for adult participants. There are apparently at least 2 varieties. Both
are pictured here. One has thick black lettering and is slightly
bigger in diameter than the other.
Technically, there are 3 varieties of the 2001 pocket patches. There were two production runs and then a third variety was
sewn on to the neckerchiefs that were sold. A few of the third variety made it to the trading posts however. Here is an example.
2001 Jamboree pocket patch for youth participants. Again, there appear to be three varities as discussed above.
2001 Jamboree pocket patches. This shows all 3 varieties of the youth and adult pocket patches.
2001 Jamboree pocket patch. The black bordered ones were only sold AT the jamboree
where the other two types could be preordered. Note that it only has 9 stars on the flag while the other types have 10.
2001 Jamboree presentation pocket patch. These gold mylar bordered pocket patches were most likely given as presentation
pieces and to those on the permanent national staff, but I can't confirm this. If you have info on this item, drop me an e-mail.
Regardless, there aren't that many of them around.
Apparently, there were several examples of on-site patches that seem to be lacking letters in the edge lettering.
Here is one that lacks the "ee" in "jamboree" and another that lacks the "s" in "leaders".
I have been asked whether the "s" missing patch could be a typo error. Its possible, but I tend to lean on the
side of a thread break error which is only worth a small premium. If instead, some of these were made where they forgot to tell the machine to
add the "s", then they would bring more of a premium.
2001 Jamboree pocket patch with the five segments that could be earned by the youth to encircle it.
2001 Jamboree scoutmaster '5 for 5' patch.
I was told that the Scoutmaster 5 for 5 patch was awarded to a Jamboree Scoutmaster
who had ALL of the scouts in his troop earn ALL 5 activity rockers. This seems a bit stringent to me.
I am sure there were some criteria about having a certian percent of the contingent earn the rockers or something to that effect.
Other scoutmasters seem to have gotten one and not really known what the criteria were.
2001 Jamboree staff pocket patch. These silver bordered patches were issued one per
each staff member on the last day of the jamboree and are the same basic design as the other pocket patches.
2001 Jamboree staff pocket patch fake. Note that there are many more stars than the original variety. (Thanks for the scan Michael.)
Reproduction of the 2001 Jamboree staff pocket patch. These silver bordered patches were probably made in Taiwan sometime right
after the jamboree. Note the size and shape of the eagle, the lighter yellow color, and the different fonts.
(Thanks Michael!)
2001 Jamboree staff pocket patch. A different type than the silver bordered one that was given one per staff member.
2001 Jamboree Adult neckerchief.
2001 Jamboree youth neckerchief.
2001 Jamboree staff neckerchief.
2001 Jamboree participant neckerchief, issued one per person at the jamboree.
Just like the staff version, but without the word "staff".
2001 Jamboree jacket patch.
2001 Jamboree leather patch.
2001 Jamboree troop number. They come with a jamboree design.
2001 Jamboree belt loop.
2001 Jamboree neckerchief slide made of metal.
2001 Jamboree neckerchief slide made of leather.
2001 Jamboree domed applique.
2001 Jamboree stickers.
2001 Jamboree pennant.
2001 Jamboree Order of the Arrow participant patch.
2001 Jamboree gateway to history patch.
2001 Jamboree philmont patch. Done to advertise philmont scout reservation to
the scouts attending the 2001 jamboree.
The chief scout executive patch that the Chief Scout Exec. handed out to people at the
2001 Jamboree as he walked around.
2001 Jamboree bolo ties.
2001 Jamboree stick on applique.
2001 Jamboree K2BSA staff patch. I normally don't include specific staff issues, but
since I was on K2BSA staff in 2001, I have decided to make an exception this once. :)
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