Jason's virtual collection of National Scout Jamboree Patches and

2005 Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.
2005 Jamboree pocket patch proposal. This was not the initial design idea.
That contained a reference to Fort A.P. Hill which was later removed, resulting in this design.
2005 pocket patch design prototype.
2005 pocket patch for adult participants.
2005 pocket patch for youth participants. Its about 3/8 inch smaller in diameter than the adult version. Here are the two pocket patches side by side.
2005 pocket patch for all on-site personnel. This is the same as the participant patch, but with a black border.
The set of five 2005 pocket patch activity rockers that go around the pocket patch. These could be earned by getting
stamps from the various activity centers at the jamboree.
Thanks, Carl!
2005 pocket patch with green border. These were sewn on to all the memorabilia sold at the trading posts, such as fanny
packs, backpacks, shower caddies, etc.
2005 Jamboree leather patch.
2005 pocket patch for all Jamboree staff. Almost like the participant patch, but with a red border and with the word 'staff'.
2005 Jamboree jacket patch.
2005 Jamboree souvenier neckerchief.
2005 Jamboree staff neckerchief.
2005 Jamboree neckerchief bandana that shows the patches from all the previous jamborees around the edge.
2005 Jamboree metal neckerchief slide.
2005 Jamboree leather neckerchief slide.
2005 Jamboree domed sticker. About the thickness of a jamboree patch, but a nice sticker.
2005 Jamboree sticker patch. Smaller in diameter than the regular patch.
2005 jamboree pins. There are two types shown here. There are probably more types.
2005 Jamboree belt buckle.
2005 Jamboree staff belt buckle.
2005 Jamboree cloth patch keychain.
2005 Jamboree pewter keychain medal.
2005 Jamboree coin.
2005 Jamboree K2BSA staff patch. Once again, I don't usually display staff issues, but since I was on K2BSA staff, I made an
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