Jason's virtual collection of Mecklenburg County Council Patches

Council Patches from Mecklenburg County Council.
Mecklenburg County Council 1945 Camporee patch. So far, this is the earliest Mecklenburg County Council patch item that I have seen.
Mecklenburg County Council red and white council patch.
Mecklenburg County Council 1964 Scout-o-rama patch.
The first non red & white CSP for Mecklenburg County Council. It is quite rare and worth in the neighborhood of $150.
The second CSP for Mecklenburg County Council. It was used for many years and is fairly common.
Used until around 1979.
Not completely sure why this was issued, but it is from the early to mid 1970s.
The third CSP for Mecklenburg County Council. Used from ca. 1979 - 1987.
One of a set of three CSPs for the 75th annivsary CSP for Mecklenburg County Council.
This one, with the yellow crown, fleur du lis, and edge, could be bought for $5 in 1990 at the local council office.
One of a set of three CSPs for the 75th annivsary CSP for Mecklenburg County Council.
This one, with the silver mylar fleur du lis, and gold mylar edge,
could be bought for $25 in 1990 at the local council office with a limit of 2 per boy.
One of a set of three CSPs for the 75th annivsary CSP for Mecklenburg County Council.
This one, with the gold mylar fleur du lis, and gold mylar edge,
had to be earned by doing service work in 1990. It is the rarest of the set.
The fourth main series CSP for Mecklenburg County Council. Used from ca. 1988 - present.
It is slightly larger than the previous version, but fairly close in design.
1977 National Jamboree contingent CSP. These are not too hard to find and usually run for $25 or so in mint condition.
1981 National Jamboree contingent CSP. These are a little harder to find and usually run for $40 or so in mint condition.
1985 National Jamboree contingent CSP. There were two kinds. The silver border was for the adults. These are significanly
harder to find than the 1977 or 1981 versions.
1985 National Jamboree contingent CSP. There were two kinds. The red border was for the youth. These are significanly
harder to find than the 1977 or 1981 versions.
1989 National Jamboree contingent CSP. These were limited to 3 per boy and no more. A total of 250 or so exist.
This is quite a tough patch and usually goes for close to $60.
1993 National Jamboree contingent CSP. This was the first patch to deviate from the
standard deisgn for the Jamboree. It was deisgned by Ben Blackman. There were 400 or so made. Not as rare as the 1989,
but hard to find. Issued 4 per contingent member without opportunity to buy more.
1995 World Jamboree contingent Mecklenburg County Council patch.
I am not sure of exactly how many were made, but it wasn't many.
1997 National Jamboree trader CSP.
The black bordered patch was for trading and is the most common.
There were three borders and two varities of each.
The first variety has dark yellow background and dark blue in the flag and lettering.
1997 National Jamboree trader CSP.
The black bordered patch was for trading and is the most common.
The second variety has light, lemon yellow background and light blue in the flag and lettering and is a reproduction.
1997 National Jamboree staff CSP.
The silver border was for jamboree staff and is the hardest one of the three to find.
Again, this type has the darker yellow background and the dark blue in the flag and lettering.
1997 National Jamboree staff CSP.
The silver border was for jamboree staff and is the hardest one of the three to find.
The second variety has light, lemon yellow background and light blue in the flag and lettering and is a reproduction.
1997 National Jamboree contingent CSP, dark yellow background.
The red border was for the contingent troop members and is relatively difficult.
1997 National Jamboree contingent CSP, light yellow background.
The red border was for the contingent troop members and is relatively difficult.
The lighter yellow background variety is a reproduction.
1997 National Jamboree contingent Catawba lodge #459 flap.
This was the first flap offered by Catawba lodge (OA lodge for Mecklenburg County Council)
for a Jamboree.
The Friends of Scouting program is a philanthropic program that supports local councils.
In 2000, Mecklenburg County Council made a council strip that was available to FOS donors.
Mecklenburg County Council patch to commemorate Y2K?
2001 National Jamboree trader CSP. There were three kinds.
The black border was for trading and is the most common.
2001 National Jamboree staff CSP. There were three kinds.
The silver border was for jamboree staff and is the hardest one of the three to find.
2001 National Jamboree contingent CSP. There were three kinds.
All theree patches have the same basic design, but differing borders.
The red border was for the contingent troop members and is relatively difficult.
2001 National Jamboree contingent Catawba lodge #459 flap.
This was the flap offered by Catawba lodge (OA lodge for Mecklenburg County Council)
for 2001 Jamboree participants, both staff and contingent.
The Friends of Scouting program is a philanthropic program that supports local councils.
In 2001, Mecklenburg County Council made a council strip that was available to FOS donors.
The Friends of Scouting program is a philanthropic program that supports local councils.
In 2002, Mecklenburg County Council made a council strip that was available to FOS donors.
The Friends of Scouting program is a philanthropic program that supports local councils.
In 2003, Mecklenburg County Council made a council strip that was available to FOS donors.
The Friends of Scouting program is a philanthropic program that supports local councils.
In 2004, Mecklenburg County Council made a council strip that was available to FOS donors.
There were actually two patches for this. One said "presenter" on the bottom.
The jamboree council strips for the four contingent troops from Mecklenburg County Council for the 2005 jamboree.
The red border was for troop 1601, blue for 1602, purple for 1603, and green for 1604.
2005 National Jamboree trader patch. Just like the contingent patches, but with a black border.
2005 National Jamboree council strip for staff associated with Mecklenburg County Council. Just like the contingent patches, but with a silver border.
Fundraising 2005 JSP. Just like the contingent patches, but with a gold border. Sold to raise money for the contingents.
Catawba lodge OA flap for members that attended the 2005 Jamboree.
2005 Mecklenburg County Council Friends of Scouting Patch. Silver border.
2005 Mecklenburg County Council Friends of Scouting Patch. Yellow border.
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of Camp Grimes, the camp for Mecklenburg County Council, the council put out a commemorative set.
This set included two council patches. The silver boarder one is common, but the gold border one only could be had with the set.
The gold CSP has the word 'DONOR' on it.
2006 Mecklenburg County Council Friends of Scouting Patch. Silver border.
2006 Mecklenburg County Council Friends of Scouting Patch. Yellow border.
2007 Mecklenburg County Council Friends of Scouting Patch. Silver border.
2007 Mecklenburg County Council Friends of Scouting Patch. Yellow border.
This was the council patch for those scouts from Mecklenburg County Council that attended the world Jamboree in England.
2007 Mecklenburg County Council Philmont Contingent patch.
2008 Mecklenburg County Council Philmont Contingent patch.
2009 Mecklenburg County Council Philmont Contingent patch.
Mecklenburg County Council hat pin. Circa 1985.
Mecklenburg County Council tie clip.
Mecklenburg County Council neckerchief slide.
Mecklenburg County Council belt buckle.
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